Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another Disappearance (Chapter 13)

We searched high and low, going though many towns. I had to find Faalan before he killed too many people. The risk of changing history didn't matter anymore. I didn't want him to die at the hands of the knights. I didn't want him to die in the first place, but dying by our hands, to me, was better than dying by the knights.
There were several rumors of night attacks and many slaughtered villagers. No one had seen the assailant, but it was clear that something had killed them. According to the rumors, it was impossible to tell how a villager had been killed, for they were so brutally dismembered that parts of the body were everywhere. It was horrifying and I felt the need to move faster and find Faalan soon.
We were walking through the woods again, towards yet another village when Kaija and I stopped in a small clearing, the last rays of sunlight glowing weakly onto the ground.
"We'll stop here for today." Kaija said, flopping down onto the ground and beginning to start a fire.
"Can you get refill the water bags and find some firewood?" he asked, throwing the containers to me.
"Sure." I replied, catching them and turning around to the direction of a stream I had spotted earlier. As I walked through the quickly darkening woods, I wondered where Faalan could be. He had teleported away with that frightening expression on his face.
I jerked to a halt. What was this? There was an enormous pit in front of me, in the middle of the ground. What in the world was this doing here? I peered down, trying to see what was in the pit in the dimly lit area. My foot slipped and I fell forward into the pit. I landed with a thump, my stomach smashing into the ground and my arms
scraped from the skidding.
"Aaammmaaaaa!" There was a muffled voice from in front of me. Groaning, I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked up. Squinting, I managed to make out the outline of Faalan. Wait, Faalan?!
"Faalan?!" I yelped. It was then that I noticed that he was bound. His hands and feet were tied tightly together, the bonds caked with blood. He was gagged with a cloth. The golden eyes that had glowed with so much energy before
(well actually, they were ice cold when I last saw him) were dull and lifeless. From the markings on the ground, it was clear that there was a struggle. He was most likely so weak that he couldn't use his powers properly now.
Fumbling with the gag, I managed to untie the rock-hard knot behind his head. He gave a loud gasp, taking in a huge breath of air. His eyes darted wildly around and after a moment, he grabbed my shoulders, his face only a few inches away from mines.
"Where's Kaija?!" he demanded in a loud whisper.
"What are you talking about?! Where were you?!" I replied, almost angry but mostly shocked.
"I teleported maybe a couple miles away. I waited for Kaija to show up, or to show some sort of sign that it was okay for me to come back. It was all a joke. Kaija and I planned it together. Except I didn't realize that Kaija had a more sinister plan."
"A more sinister plan?"
"Yes. But let's find Kaija now. Before it's too late."
"Before it's too late for what?"
"Later. Just take my hand."
I gently placed my hand on his waiting hand and in an instant, we were in the clearing where Kaija was setting up camp earlier. But where was he now? And what did he do?

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