Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Confrontation (Chapter 19)

Faalan and I had been travelling for several hours when he suddenly stopped in the middle of nowhere. Skidding to a halt, I turned around to face Faalan.
"What is it?" I asked, concerned.
"We're less than a mile away from Kaija now. I... Even though you told me what happened in the future..."
"Are you worried, Faalan?"
"No. Yes. No, it's not that." He put his hands to his face, obviously struggling with something on his mind.
"Faalan?" I went to him, placing my arm around his broad shoulder.
"Just in case I don't make it..." he murmured, turning towards me. I was confused for a second, and my whole body went rigid with shock.
His eyes were closed, lips gently caressing mines. My body almost melted as an arm circled around my waist, pulling me towards him. I closed my eyes, relishing in the moment. His body was warm against mine. One of his hands snaked up and slid around my neck, subtly pushing my face closer to his. I let my other arm go around his shoulder. He gently stroked the back of my neck, and a shiver of delight ran though my spine.
With a feeling of reluctance, he pulled his face from mines, panting slightly. I tried to control my own panting, though it was hard. He leaned a little forward, forehead resting on mines, gazing deep into my eyes.
"Fala... I love you..." He whispered softly, his breath soft on my face.
"Oh, Faalan..." I murmured softly, looking deep into those beautiful, golden eyes of his. No answer was needed to tell him that I loved him back.
He gave me a kiss, one filled with happiness and worry. When he pulled away, his hands left my neck and waist, and I shivered from the loss of his warmth and wished that he hadn't left.
"Now we have to go." He stood in front of me, eyes determined.
"I know, Faalan. I know." I took a deep breath in and closed myeyes, gathering myself in preparation for the fight. Then, I opened them.
"Ready?" Faalan's calm voice rang through the trees.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied, giving a weak smile.
"I know what you mean..." He mumbled under his breath.
We walked forward, and after a certain point, I found myself lifted into the air. I looked at Faalan questioningly.
I don't want him to be able to hear us coming. My eyes widened a little when I heard his voice. His mouth hadn't moved, but I could hear him loud and clear. I was about to open my mouth to reply, but then his voice came again.
Don't talk. Think what you want to say to me. I'll be able to hear it.
How are you doing this?
My powers aren't limited to just reading minds and moving things with my mind.
Now concentrate. We can't afford to mess anything up now.
It was strange talking to someone in your head. I wondered what else he had picked up when he went through my head.
We moved at a rather slow pace, slower than we usually did, but that was most likely for caution. I narrowed my eyes, carefully scanning the land for any sign of movement. Several times, my eyes caught movement from some leaves, but it was only a small woodland creature.
After a couple minutes of moving forward, we suddenly jerked to the side, ending up behind some bushes.
What is it, Faalan?
If you were to look over those bushes, Kaija would be there. But don't look. He's looking around.
Now what?
When he's not looking, we come out and attack him.
What kind of a plan is that?!
Um... An impromptu one? There was a sense of a nervous laugh in his voice as it ran through my head. I gave a mental sigh and slipped my flute out as quietly as possible. I looked at Faalan and he held up three fingers. I nodded, showing him that I understood. One finger went down. Then another. And then as the last one was about to go down, which would have signified to time to attack, we heard a voice.
"Don't bother. I know you're there."

AN: Mushy scene + suspense = funfunfunfunfun!!!! ^_^
By the way, I started a blog for the purpose of putting up character descriptions and other information about the character. Not all of this information is found in the story, so it all depends on if you want to know stuff that isn't known in the story or not. It shouldn't take away from the original story, just that it gives you more information on the characters.
Although, I haven't exactly written anything in particular for that blog. It may be a while before I get any information up.

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