Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Teleportation Complications

I let out a soft groan as I made my way out of my drowsiness. Rubbing my eyes and yawning, I began to stand up. Well, attempted to stand up would be a better way of putting it. There was a tug on my scalp and it jerked my neck back when I tried to stand up all the way. It also effectively caused me to gag, since I had tried to get up reasonably fast. I sighed, sat back down, then turned to inspect what had caught on my hair.
My breath caught in my throat when I saw what it was. Faalan had somehow tangled his hands into my hair during the time we were sleeping. Tugging gently, I tried to untangle my hair from his hands without waking him. After a couple minutes of this, I gave a huff and crossed my arms, glaring at the mass of hair and hands. There were times that I wished my hair wasn't waist-length.
Though I wish I didn't have to do this, it was unavoidable. Besides, it was that or cut off my hair and I would never do that. As gently as I could, I nudged the sleeping boy. He seemed so peaceful, and it seemed almost a sin to disturb his slumber. But I couldn't really get anywhere like this, so I was left with little choice. I suppose I could have just waited for him to wake up on his own accord, but it was really not very productive of my awake time.
Faalan let out a soft moan, shifted positions, and settled down again, still asleep. In his moving, he had managed to futher entangle my hair in his hands and now I had to lie down beside him or else my neck would snap. Or at least that's what it seemed like
I poked him sharply, still trying to wake him up as gracefully as possible. Every single attempt I made at waking him up quietly failed and soon, my face ended up inches away from his. I couldn't move, for his hands were extremely knotted into my hair. I had had enough.
"FAALAN!!!!!!!!" I screamed into his face. I just couldn't take it anymore. My head was starting to hurt from the constant pulling on my hair and I had already wasted a half an hour just trying to wake him up.
Faalan's eyes flew open and I saw his muscles tense.
"Oh no, please no." I whispered, fearing the worse. Which just had to happen.
He sat up sharply, his arms flying up into the air, taking my hair, head, and body after it.
"Owowowowowowow!!!!!" I screeched, my own arms spinning wildly, trying to regain balance as I was jerked to my feet by my hair.
It took him a moment to realize that his hands were stuck in my hair.
"Oh dear." was all he said.
"Oh dear?! Is that all you can say?!" I was starting to get very annoyed. I just couldn't help it.
"How long have I had my hands stuck in your hair?"
"I don't know! Ever since I woke up, which was around a half an hour ago, I've been trying to get your hands out of my hair!"
"Uh.... Right... Let's see...." He began to gently pull his hands out of my hair, looping and unlooping strands and sections of brown knots with his fingers and with his powers. I sat down beside him, hoping that this annoying predicament would end soon.
He sat there for an hour, patiently removing his hands from my hair. By then, the sun was shining brightly and the grass shone with dew. The sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. A soft breeze blowed, causing the patches of grass to ripple like a green wave. Despite my annoyance at my current situation, I couldn't help but admire the
beauty of my surroundings.
Another half hour later and his hands were finally free from my tangled mass of hair. The problem I faced now was how to untangle all of this hair. Sections of it stuck up and it was knotted so much that I could scarcely think of where to begin.
" I am SO sorry, Fala." Faalan murmured, looking down at his feet.
"It's okay. Can you try and untangle my hair now?" I looked up hopefully at him. If he could use his powers to fix my hair, I wouldn't have to struggle with it for hours.
"Well... I can try, but it might hurt a bit."
"I've already gone through enough pain, I think I'll be okay."
"Alright, then. Brace yourself."
I was seized with the temptation to tense, but as I had learned from past experiences, things tended to be less painful if you relaxed, because then whatever was happening didn't need to rip through hard muscles. It depended on the situation, but in this case, it was probably a better idea to relax. So as best as I could, I forced my muscles to relax and I nodded to Faalan.
There was a jolt of pain that ran along my scalp and tears formed in my eyes. It was painful for a couple of seconds, but after that, it was only sore, and I could deal with that.
I picked up a lock of hair and then slowly examined my entire head of hair. The hair had been neatly unknotted and was extremely soft.
"Nice job, Faalan. Thank you." I smiled at him, grateful for his help.
"You're welcome." He smiled back, golden eyes warm with happiness. There was one thing left that I had to do though. When he untangled my hair, he had taken out the hair tie that I used to keep the ends of my hair in place. I picked of the hair tie and tied it back into place.
"You ready to teleport now?" I asked, standing up and grabbing my instruments.
"Yeah, just give me a sec." He stood up and stretched a bit, wincing at the sound of cracking bones in his back. His stretching gave me the urge to stretch as well, but I didn't want him to think that I was
copying him. So, I rolled my shoulders and then waited for him to finish.
"Ready!" he declared, beaming. Then, he gently tried to take my hand. Willingly, I allowed his hand to slip into mines, sending tingles of joy up my back. His hand was smooth and warm and it closed around mines firmly, but not too hard.
He closed his eyes and I could tell that he was concentrating for the massive effort needed to teleport the great distance. Or maybe he was re-checking Kaija's position, for he shivered slightly and an expression of fear flickered across his face. Whatever it was, he was in deep concentration. After a couple moments, colors swirled
around us, and then we were in a different place, but still in a wood. The plant life was different though, and the area was more shaded and ominous than the wood we were in before.
"Faalan...? Where are we?" I whispered softly, though there was no one to hear what I said except Faalan.
"I...I don't know. We should have ended up only a short distance from Kaija. Something happened. I have to find him again..."
I stood in silence as the boy's brow knit in concentration again, but this time there was a hint of worry as well. It was eeriely quiet for minutes, and then he spoke.
"I found him. But... He's still so far away. I only managed to get us a small part of the way. We'll have to walk the rest of the day until I can get enough ener-" His eyes suddenly rolled and he tipped over. Sliding underneath the place he was to fall, I flung out my arms and caught him before he hit the ground. He must have been so exhausted from the massive effort of teleporting us across the land. And his energy was only able to take us part of the way.
I looked down at the unconcious boy in my arms, gently brushing his hair out of his face. With no clue in which direction to travel, I couldn't do much to help him. All I could think of doing was at least giving him a peaceful and useful sleep. So, I put him down carefully, making sure that he didn't hit his head to hard, and then I sat down
beside him. The lyre almost seemed to jump into my hands as I took it out. It seemed almost eager to be played. My fingers flew over the strings, pouring out a quiet melody.
It didn't require too much effort to help Faalan sleep well, for that was what I wanted anyways. If I had wanted him to get up, it would have been hard to play a tune to help him sleep. But since I didn't, the task didn't use up much of my energy.
Continuing, I played until my knuckles ached and I couldn't take it any longer. Reluctantly, I replaced the lyre to where it usually was and let my hands fall into my lap. There was nothing more I could do except to build a fire and find food. Though I was a little worried about leaving Faalan alone, I managed to set up a fire quickly and
gather some wild berries. Khanna, before she had passed away, had taught me many of the safe wild berries. This knowledge proved useful, and it allowed me to eat without killing. I would kill if I had to, but I didn't want to.
The fire cast flickering shadows all around, causing me to feel slightly jumpy. It took a while for me to relax. I stared into the fire after my small meal of berries. I passed quite some time in this fashion, having nothing better to do. There was a rustle behind me and I turned at the sound of Faalan's voice.
"I see you've woken up now."
"What happened? Why is it dark now?"
"You fainted. I didn't know where to go. We've been here for hours."
"Well, so much for teleporting."
"Yes. But now you can try your other idea."
"You wanted to travel by night while carrying me with your powers."
"Oh. I suppose you're right. You should sleep now."
My mouth chose that moment to open in a giant yawn. Faalan gave a little chuckle and I found myself rising from the ground.
"Just try to sleep like you would normally and I'll make it so that you're comfortable, okay?"
"Thanks, Faalan." I laid down, curling up into a ball in the air. I felt the wind blowing past me and the crunch of Faalan's feet crushing leaves. My eyelids grew heavy, and they closed on their own accord.

AN: Well, so much for teleportation, right? I wanted them to be able to do it, but then the story would be no fun, so... I did that.

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