Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Chase Begins (Chapter 12)

"Why?! Why, Faalan?!" Kaija shouted, flinging his swords at one of the few standing trees nearby. The swords imbedded themselves into the thunk and quivered from the force of the throw.
"Why..." The anguished boy fell to his knees, covering his face with his hands. As soon as I was convinced that he was done with his destruction of the trees, I flitted to his side, kneeling down and running my hand through his hair soothingly. I had a feeling he might take advantage of me being so close, but at this point, I didn't care. Kaija was extremely upset and definitely needed comfort.
His body shuddered as he tried to choke back his sobs. The sobbing became quieter and his body relaxed after a while. All I could do was to sooth him, gently trying to ease his pain.
"We have to find him." He looked up, silver eyes still teary.
"I know." I murmured, closing my eyes. A few last tears trickled down his face before his
swept them away with his arm.
"How are we supposed to find him? There's no way of figuring out where he went..." I muttered to no one in particular, trying to find a way to find the missing boy. I knew my great grandfather would eventually kill thousands of people unless someone interviened. But then I would change history and could mess up my own time.
"We travel and listen to rumors." I turned to look at Kaija, who
apparently had heard me.
"What did you say?" I asked, not trusting what I had just heard.
"We travel and listen to rumors, following where they lead us. They will at least give us a general idea of where he's been. Perhaps if we move fast enough, we can catch up." I nodded, but how were we supposed to catch up if the boy could teleport? It was hard enough to follow people when they were running around, but teleportation made it even worse.
"I know it seems hard, but there's nothing else we can do. I still shudder to think about his steely eyes boring into me. We have to stop him before he kills everyone."
"But how are we to stop him? He said he would kill us if we tried to stop him. The only way I can think of is..." I trailed off, knowing the answer to the problem.
"We have to kill him." Kaija whispered, already knowing the answer.
"I couldn't bring myself to do that..."
"What else can we do? If we capture him and hand him over to the knights, they'll kill him. If we capture him and keep him with us, he might kill us. There's no way around it. As much as I hate the answer, killing him seems to be the only way to stop him. He's filled with too much revenge to convince him otherwise."
"Can't we find someone to hypnotize him or something?" I asked, not willing to believe that the only answer was death.
"Perhaps, but the person needs to look into Faalan's eyes for a certain amount of time, and Faalan won't stay still that long. That is, unless we find someone who can make him immobile, but then he could probably teleport his way out. There's no way to hypnotize him." I gave a sigh of defeat, knowing the Kaija was right. I knew that he didn't want to kill Faalan either, but there really wasn't much else we could do, other than just leaving Faalan to his revenge. But then Faalan would most likely end up murdering people until he was killed or until he killed all the people he felt was enough for his revenge.
"Let's start now, I guess." Kaija said, not sounding particularly confident. Of course, no one really could feel confident about having to kill their friend for the welfare of the world. He began to walk off in some direction, which I guessed to be the direction of another village. I followed reluctantly, not wishing this to be happening.
And so, the search began.

AN: Not the most interesting chapter, but it's gonna get better, just you wait!

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