Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Plans (Chapter 11)

I heard talking. I stayed in my unconciousness, taking comfort in the dark. But slowly, I opened my eyes, feeling like there were weights on my eyelids. It took a while for everything to focus, but when it did, I saw a set of golden and silver orbs looking at me.
"Faalan...Kaija..." I rasped, my voice coming out weaker than I had thought it would.
"Shh... Don't talk..." Faalan murmured, placing something against my lips. Liquid moistened my lips, and I opened them, realizing just how thirsty I was. He carefully tipped the container until every last drop was gone.
"Better?" Kaija asked, sitting beside me.
"Yes." I said, sitting up and looking around. All around us were the bloody carcasses of the slain knights. It was a horrible sight to see, and my stomach lurched at the sight. It was even worse than the run-in with the previous knight. I gagged and held a hand to my mouth, trying to surpress the urge to hurl. It was then that I looked down at myself. There was a large rip in the dress where the knife had hit my shoulder, and the dress itself was stained with the blood of many lives. My hands were caked with dried, brown blood.
"Are you going to be alright, Fala?" Faalan questioned, holding a hand out to help me up. Gladly, I took the offered hand and nodded slightly, standing up.
"Good. Then let's get going." The boy released my hand, his eyes turning cold. The iciness in his expression sent a chill down my spine. Just moments ago, his eyes were full of warmth and concern. And then in a moment, they turned hard. Was he that angry at the death of his sister?
Kaija seemed slightly shocked as well, but he shook his head and stood up, following Faalan. Slightly unsteady on my feet, I stumbled my way after them, trying to keep up.
"Faalan. Kaija. Your wounds..." I called after them, noticing their various injuries.
"I'm fine, Fala." Faalan snapped, not even turning to look at me.
"I'll be alright. But thanks." Kaija replied gently.
"Oh..." I mumbled, taken aback by Faalan's harsh reply. Looking at Kaija, I faked a smile and he turned back forward, convinced that I was okay.
Following them in silence, there was no conversation between us until Faalan spoke up.
"I suppose we should talk about what we plan to do."
"What is it that you want to do?" Kaija inquired quietly.
"I want revenge. Revenge for my fallen sister."
"How do you plan on carrying out your revenge?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"I'm going to kill them; kill the people who would want her dead; kill the people ordered to kill her; kill all of them. If you dare to get in my way, I will kill you too." He turned, glaring daggers at us. Kaija, worried, took a step towards him.
"Faa-" He started to say.
"..lan" His voice was barely a whisper as the boy disappeared. He swore as he whipped out his swords, slashing at the trees. He screamed in fury as trees, branches, and leaves fell to the ground. I stood on the side, unsure of what to do. He continued on his angry rampage, eyes filled with regret, sadness, and anger.

AN: And now I will keep you suspense! Fear me! ^_^

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