Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Travel by Night, Sleep by Day... For a While Anyways (Chapter 18)

In the following weeks, Faalan became nocturnal. He slept during the day while I gathered food and water for him to eat and drink when he woke at night. I would also fix torn clothing and heal small wounds that we accumalated during our travels. I would go to sleep at night and he would travel then, carrying me with his mind. Little conversation passed between us other than a few brief words of gratitude or greeting.
We covered a lot of distance, but I wasn't completely pleased with the system of travel. I missed talking to Faalan; missed looking into his golden eyes and his brilliant smile. He and I became rather distant, not knowing what was going on inside the other. At least it was that way for me. Who knows if he was scanning my mind every so often.
I didn't know if he missed me too, but I knew I missed him. There was an ache in my heart when I looked at his sleeping form. I tried to stay up during the night when we travelled, but I always fell asleep before I had a chance to really say anything to him.
One day, Faalan decided to stop being nocturnal. He stayed up the whole morning, gathering food and filling our water bags with me. My heart rejoiced at him being by my side, even if he didn't say much due to fatigue. it took many days for him to transition back into his original sleeping patern, the pattern he had before he became nocturnal.
After Faalan had recovered from his change in sleeping time again, we traveled faster and covered much more distance. Often, we would have races, and in this way, we pushed ourselves to the limits, increasing the distance covered.
Kaija moved often, and we have to shift our direction to continue our travels in his direction. The whole process took longer than we had predicted earlier, for he moved faster than we expected, but soon, we were nearing his location.

AN: This is more like a transition chapter. It's not important but it's there because I needed a way to transition fro one chapter to another.

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