Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Explainations (Chapter 14)

"Dammit!" Faalan muttered, giving the ground a vicious stomp. He looked tired, and I could understand. First off, he already didn't have much energy, yet he chose to teleport us in spite of that. I was slightly surprised he didn't faint.
"He's gone..." I murmured.
"He's clever, that one. He even covered his tracks."
"Hn?" I suddenly realized that there were no footprints except for the ones that Faalan and I had just made. I silently cursed under my breath.
"What did he do, Faalan?" He gave a deep sigh then sat down.
"This may take a while. Please sit down." He gestured to the space beside him and I sat down by his side.
"Do you remember Khanna telling you about our mother and how the villagers didn't and still don't like us?" I gave a nod, and he continued on. Though I wondered how he knew, since he hadn't been there, I assumed that he had read Khanna or my mind and learned of this.
"Well, Kaija told us to assume his last name, because his family line is well respected."
"Wait. You're telling me that your last name is not nu Azamoni?"
"No. That's Kaija's last name."
"Kaija's my great grandfather?! And he kissed me too!!!!" I spat onto the ground, trying to clean out my mouth. I had kissed my great grandfather!!!!!
"Are you alright?" Faalan asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. I gave one final spit.
"Ugh. I am now. Sort of. But do continue."
"Well, Khanna and I assumed Kaija's last name as our own. It seemed innocent enough, and his suggestion was helpful at times. Though some people could recognize who we were by what we looked like, most people
had only heard of our last name, di Zuce. You came and you know everything until my "disappearance." Kaija took me aside the day before, telling me to play a trick on you, because you seemed so upset and heavy hearted. Wanting to make you smile, I agreed and played along. What I didn't know was that Kaija had something else planned.
I waited for him to come or give me a sign. Kaija came at night, sneaking up behind me. I didn't have time to react. Within seconds, I was bound, gagged, and knocked out. He put me into the pit that you found me in, probably not realizing that you stumble upon it.
"How long were you in there?!" I nearly shouted, realizing that Faalan probably hadn't eaten during the whole time. My realization was confirmed by the growling of his stomach. He gave a little embarrassed chuckle.
"I think around 3 days now."
"Oh my gosh, you must be starving!" I pulled out a small pouch from the folds of my dress and handed him it.
"Sorry, but there's only a little dried meat."
"It's better than nothing. Thank you." There was a moment of silence as Faalan wolfed down the miniscule amount of food.
"Ah, much better. I'll need to find some more food later though. But I should finish my story first."
"Let me finish." I sighed and nodded.
"Kaija began pacing back and forth, ranting about how he was going to kill all the people who wouldn't side with him. He talked about a master plan to take over the world, becoming the dictator.
Apparently, he'd also been killing villagers at night."
"The night attacks! Those were by him?!" I cut in, completely shocked.
"I heard it from the man himself. Unfortunate as it is, I believe that it is true. Kaija had this planned ages ago, as he continued to tell me of his plan to take over the world. But when you came, you got in the way. He had to find a way to make you think that I was the one doing it, so that he wouldn't be killed. His original plan apparently was to just start killing and then blame it on me by leaving weapons I had given to him as gifts. Those weapons had the di Zuce emblem on them, so it would have led the people to think it was Khanna or me. Actually, he managed to kill off a village and leave a di Zuce weapon, which is why those knights came after Khanna and me.
Later on, he made an impromptu plan to get me away from you. From there, he managed to get me to teleport me away. He pretended to be distraught about the loss of me and then in the cover of night while you were sleeping, he captured me. Then, he continued in his efforts to convince you and the people that it was me who had killed all those villagers, by keeping to part of his old plan, putting the weapons I had given him as "evidence" that it was me, since Khanna was killed by that knight. And then you know what happened after that."
"I found you, and Kaija disappeared?"
"But where is Kaija now?"
"He must have realized that you found me, and fled. But it's still dangerous for me. There are knights after me still."
"And now we have to stop Kaija..."
"What does he do, Fala?"
"You're from the future. You must have heard something about this, right?"
"Don't worry, it's safe with me. And though we may try to change it, we may not be able to change the course of history anyways."
"Well.... He ends up killing thousands of people, but rumor says that in the end is killed by two mysterious strangers. But...somehow, he has or had some children. After all, I wouldn't be here unless he had descendants,
"Oh dear... Who could the mother be? And do you think those two strangers could be...us?"
"I don't know. I've only known him for a short while. Compared to the time you've known him anyways. And...there is the possibility that the two strangers are us."
"Could it be...that girl who had a crush on him so many years ago?"
"Huh... Perhaps. What was his relationship with the girl? And why was he hitting on me all that time?"
"Um... I don't know really. He never mentioned it. I don't know about his hitting on you. I never got around to asking why he was hitting on his great granddaughter."
"And, why didn't you say anything? You knew what my last name was and you knew that Kaija was my real great grandfather. Why?"
"Because I didn't want to risk angering Kaija. He made me promise that he wouldn't tell anyone."
"It might have saved a lot of trouble..."
I gave a sigh and stood up.
"Well, now that I know the truth, we better get you some food."
"Sounds good to me." His stomach gave a loud rumble. "And to my stomach too." He laughed, and I joined in. For now, the mood had lightened a bit. But I knew that in the near future, we had to go hunt down Kaija.

AN: Well.... This chapter explained a lot. I suppose I gave too much away in one chapter, but I wanted to do that. Although, there's more fun stuff to come.

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