Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Confusing Feelings (Chapter 15)

Faalan and I managed to bring down a few small rabbits to eat. We could have caught more, but it seemed cruel to kill too many. We settled with one for each and one to divide between us. That way, each of us had around one and a half. Faalan levatated them and roasted them over the fire as the both of us got lost in our thoughts.
Presently, the scent of rabbit floated into our senses and I gingerly took the rabbit that hovered before me. It was hot, and it burnt my fingers and tongue, but it was worth it. When Faalan and I finished our individual rabbits, we moved onto the shared one. I tried to split it as evenly as possible, but somehow, I ended up with more. Despite my attempts to give Faalan some of my "half," he wouldn't take it.
We picked up our things, put out the fire, and began to walk towards the stream. Well, in Faalan's case, he took the bag of supplies that Kaija had left. Who knows why he left it, but all the better for us, right?
Upon reaching the stream, we washed our hands, took a drink of water, and made our way to a tree. I carefully placed my flute and lyre in the branches of the tree, for I didn't wish to sleep with them on me. It wasn't that it hurt to sleep with them on, it was more that I didn't want to risk crushing them in my sleep. Faalan also put whatever he was carrying in the tree and sat down at the roots of the great plant.
It was almost completely dark now, and I could just barely see the outline of Faalan. I quietly sat down beside him and out of the corner of my eye, saw him lean against the tree. Though it was probably a good idea to sleep now, I had a lot of things on my mind. I had trusted Kaija and fell for him for a time as well. My affections for him had completely disappeared ever since I learned what he had done. He had killed people in cold blood. He had turned against both his friend and me. I could never love a person like that. So now the only person I loved was Tahi, who I hadn't seen in ages. Or was he really the only person I loved?
Turning my head, I gazed at the sleeping figure beside me. I had considered Faalan my great grandfather for so long, so I hadn't allowed myself to think of the possibility of loving him. But now that I knew he wasn't my great grandfather...what were these feelings of affection I had for him then?
I looked up at the stars through the leaves of the tree. Everything had been so confusing. From an outcast at school, I had been swept up into an adventure that was life changing. I had learned my own gift, and many new skills. If only I could go back to my peaceful, boring life. But I couldn't.
There would be more time to thing of such things tomorrow, I reasoned, and leaned back onto the tree beside Faalan. I smiled slightly in the dark, then closed my eyes to fall into the waiting arms of sleep.

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