Sunday, May 18, 2008

Found (Chapter 4)

"So.... Why do you two live alone? And why do you live so high up?" I questioned, as we stood on the highest level of the intricate treehouse.
"Well.... The villagers never exactly trusted us, so we left."
"Why didn't they trust you?"
"Our mother was considered a demon of sorts, since she had been raised by the woodland creatures of the woods. Our father was reckless and easy to anger. When our father died in battle and our mother succumbed to her long-term illness...." Khanna's voice faded and her eyes dulled with sadness that had not been there before.
"Oh.... I'm sorry..." I murmured, not knowing what to say.
"Don't worry about it. It happened a long time ago." Khanna said, smiling brightly. But her eyes still contained an inner sadness, something that time had not been able to heal.
"So.... That still doesn't explain why you live so high up." I said, trying to change the subject.
"Ah. That. The villagers came after us for a while, so Faalan and I decided that we would live up high so that we wouldn't be found." Looking down, I saw a small figure moving higher and higher up.
"Thinking of Faalan, I think that's him."
"Khanna, Falandra!" came his cheerful voice. He had a nasty looking black eye on his left from who knows where. We didn't even hit him there and he had a black eye. Probably gave it to himself to make us feel guilty. As if that would happen.
"Faalan." Khanna replied simply.
"I thought I told you to call me Fala..." I muttered venomously.
"Err.... Oops. Sorry. I forgot..." he replied hastily.
"No worries." I said, shrugging, losing the anger that was in me. I couldn't help it. Those golden eyes just looked so pitiful and sad when he felt sorry.
"So.... You've showed her around?" Faalan said to Khanna, his voice cutting through my thoughts.
"Well.... Almost."
"What do you mean almost?" he said, cocking his head inquisitively.
"We didn't see....that room."
"Oh.... That room. But she has the right to know I suppose, since she is related to us."
"If you say so, Faalan. C'mon Fala!" Khanna said, pushing me towards a door that I had not noticed before. It had been hidden by the
shadows of the leaves, and until you looked carefully, it seemed like any normal bunch of leaves.
Pushing aside the leaves as I got closer, Khanna stopped pushing me and swept around me, opening the door in the same swift motion. I peered into the dark room, and as the door opened wider, I gave a little gasp at what the light illuminated. It was an intricately carved flute, sitting on a small stand. Nearby, there were articles of furniture and clothing, but all my attention was focused on the instrument at that point.
I felt my feet moving themselves, bringing me closer and closer to the flute. My hands acted on their own accord and lifted the flute to my mouth. What was happening to me? I took a breath, hoping to calm myself down, but somehow, my lips formed a shape that I had never done
before, and I blew out gently. My fingers flickered up and down as the eerie sound of unfamiliar music flowed around the room.
And then, I was lost in the music. My fingers acted on instinct, playing a tune I had never heard before. My lips shifted positions and I took breaths quickly to continue the music.
The music ended as the last notes drifted away with the wind.
"Wow..." I breathed out, completely shocked at what I had just done.
"What was that?" Khanna said, letting out a breath.
"I-I have no clue." I stuttered. I then realized I was still clutching the flute.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I yelped, placing the flute back onto the stand. It was only then that I noticed Faalan.
"What's wrong, Faalan?" I asked, concerned. Tears trickled gently down his face, his eyes watery.
" Mother...she played it when I was a child. When Khanna was just barely 1...." he choked out, voice full of emotion.
"Then...the flute...that was your mother's?" I cried out in realization. He gave a sad nod as Khanna wrapped an arm tenderly around his shoulders. There was a moment of silence as Faalan wiped away his tears in a quick, sudden motion, jerking free from Khanna.
"Well, at least we know what your gift is, right?" he said with a sad smile. He must have read Khanna's mind, because I sure didn't remember telling him about my lack of a gift.
"Do you really think...?"
"Yes, I do." his now calm voice replied.
"So do I." Khanna added.
"Then exactly what is it?" I wondered aloud.
"Well, it's time to figure out what it can do!" Faalan declared, as he stuck an arm towards my direction.
"Ah, wait!" I screeched as I found myself lifted off the ground.
"No worries, Fala! I got this under control!" Faalan laughed, smiling confidently, all traces of sadness gone from eyes. As I screamed and squeezed my eyes together, I felt wind blowing past me as I moved to the side, up, and then down.
"You can stop screaming now, Fala..." came a slightly annoyed voice. Upon opening my eyes, I found that my feet were on the ground and Faalan's golden orbs stared deep into mines.
"Uh... Right..." I said, flushing with embarrassment.
"I wonder...what can your gift do?" Khanna asked as she landed beside Faalan, also carried by his powers.
"And I'm supposed to know?" I said sarcastically.
"Eh he...." Khanna laughed nervously, scratching her head. "No...."
"Exactly." I replied curtly.
"Now... Let's make you a flute." Faalan said, picking up a couple of branches from the ground and whipping out a knife that seemed to come from no where. I supposed that it must have come out of underneath his cape. Though I attempted to see what was underneath the cape while he was whittling away at the hunks of wood, I couldn't see much.
"I'm done." he said simply, holding out the finished instrument in his hand.
"Thanks..." I murmured, feeling a jolt of adrenaline rush through me as I picked up the smooth, wooden flute.
"Well, play it already! I've been waiting long enough!" Khanna cutting in rudely as she leaped down from a tree she had been waiting in.
"A-alright." I stuttered nervously as I lifted the flute to my mouth. My hands shook as I took a shaky breath in.
Uncalled for, thoughts rushed through my head. Feelings that I had quashed down earlier resurfaced. I wanted to get revenge at Faalan; for pushing Khanna down onto me. For no reason what so ever, the thought of how funny he would look dancing crept into my mind.
And then I played. A quick, lively tune floated through the air as my fingers flew across the flute.
"What's going on?!" Faalan shouted as his body unwillingly began to dance. My eyes widened, but I continued to play. Khanna looked like she was going to burst from trying not to laugh.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" he screamed, looking like he was trying to stop. But he continued to dance. Beads of sweat poured down his face as he kept on going. By then, I had figured it out. The music was making him dance. I wanted to get revenge, and thus this had happened. This was my revenge. Somehow.
With a smile threatening to take over, the music intensified and Faalan danced even faster than before.
"" he panted, managing to rip off his cape while dancing. Khanna could take it no longer. She collapsed in a fit of laughter, clutching at the ground, tears beginning to stream down her face.
"Please...stop..." Faalan said, gasping in exhaustion. My revenge fully complete, I lowered the flute, a grin spreading across my face.
"So.... I take it that you can control people and learn songs of the past with your music." Khanna said when she recovered from her laughing fit.
"Perhaps..." I murmured, unsure of how to respond.
"Well.... How did you feel when you played the flute?" Faalan inquired.
"Uh... I wanted to get revenge at your for pushing Khanna so that she would fall on me and was also vaguely thinking of how funny you would look dancing."
"So then we must assume that your feelings when you play influences what occurs. The music must take over the mind through the ears."
"I suppose so."
"Now the question at hand is whether or not you can do this with other instruments."
"Then we go shopping!" Khanna interrupted into my ear. Yelping, I clutched at my ear and winced until the last of her words stopped echoing through my head.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I screamed at Khanna.
"Just wanted to see how you would react." she replied smoothly, her eyes twinkling.
"Grr...." I whipped the flute to my mouth and before Khanna couldcover her ears, music flowed once again from the wooden pipe. The ponytailed girl began to spin around and around, not stopping. Occasionally, you could see her pained face before it disappeared in a whirl of color. Convinced that she was properly punished, I stopped. Khanna's face was green and she looked like she was going know. Her eyes were unfocused and her legs buckled
underneath her. She crawled behind a nearby tree. Momentarily, retching noises filled the air.
"Ugh..." she moaned, wiping her mouth off with her hand.
"Revenge..." I said, laughing.
"It wasn't fair revenge!" she protested.
"Hmp. Fine. Do what you will with me." I said, giving a sigh. I closed my eyes and waited for the blow to come. I heard a slight chuckle and something hard smashed into my stomach. My breath whooshed out of me and I keeled over, hands covering my middle in pain.
"Now it's fair." came Khanna's smug voice.
" with?" I gasped, trying to recover.
"My elbow. I got a running start." she said, smirking.
"Ow...." I murmured. "But fair enough.
"Now that that's settled," Faalan's amused voice cut through the air, "we go shopping, right?"
"Yes. We go shopping." Khanna declared, heading away from the their house.
"Uh... Right." was all I could say. Hoping that my gift would be able to help me, I picked up the flute from the ground where it had dropped after I had been so mercilessly hit. A light, airy melody whispered through the breeze and the pain began to recede.
"Wow... Useful." I murmured softly to myself, my words lost in the wind. Faalan and Khanna walked in front of me, their bare feet padding softly on the ground.
"Now that I think of it," I started, wincing as my words came out louder than expected, "why don't you wear shoes?"
"Shoes?" Khanna laughed.
"They're so troublesome." Faalan told me.
"How are they troublesome?" I asked, completely confused.
"You can't feel the earth underneath. Our powers come from within the earth, in its core. Shoes cut you off, making your powers weaker." he explained, increasing his pace. I had to increase my speed as well, so I could keep up.
"Huh.... Interesting..." I thought aloud. This was never taught in school. Why didn't they teach it? I shrugged and ran a bit to catch up, for Khanna and Faalan were moving faster than ever.

AN: This is kinda just more stupid fluff so that you can figure out what her powers can do really. Probably shouldn't have given everything away, but...too late. ^_^

1 comment:

coolidgen said...

one space is needed at one point. fyi.