Sunday, May 18, 2008

Danger (Chapter 6)

A tall man dressed in black armor stood before us, his chestnut stallion pawing the ground and snorted beside him.
"I am here for these two." the knight said, pointing at Faalan and Khanna.
"Why do you want us?" Faalan replied cooly.
"These two are demon children and by request of the villagers, are to be executed. If you do not comply, you will be taken by force."
"We will never come with you!" Khanna shouted, eyes blazing with fury.
"Then I have no choice." He unsheathed his sword, the metal blade glinting in the light.
"Leave him to me." Kaija murmured quietly, pulling out twin swords.
"I can't let you do that, Kaija." Faalan said quietly, with sad eyes. His arm jerked up suddenly and his hand smashed into Kaija's head. Kaija's eyes widened, then closed as he collapsed to the ground. I scurried to his side, making sure if he was going to be okay.
"I'm sorry, my friend, but I can't let you get in trouble on my account." he whispered mournfully. Both he and Khanna sunk into defensive poses, Faalan with his fists up and Khanna with her palms facing the man. The knight let out a battle cry as he charged towards my two friends, holding his sword above his head, ready to slice them down. I watched, concerned and worried about what would happen. I wanted to interfere, but if I did, I might end up like Kaija. I would rather watch and try to assist them by telling them if there was an attack coming. Or...maybe not. I was never so great at predicting movements.
Khanna's fingers twitched ever so slightly, and a portal appeared in front of the knight. As soon as he disappeared into it, another one appeared in the air and he fell out, falling towards the ground. He landed with a loud thump and he muttered to himself as he stood up.
"I didn't want to do this, but I guess I have to." he said. He lifted an arm and all the armor became like water, flowing to his hand. Apparently, the man's gift was to do with metal. His sword's blade, which was lying on the ground, also became liquid and flowed to his hand. A large mass of quivering metal lay in his hand. What he could do with it, I had no clue.
Suddenly, the metal jerked out and struck Khanna, piercing through her chest. Her eyes grew big and blood spurted out of her mouth as
she fell backwards. The metal shot back to the man, now stained with Khanna's blood.
"Urg... Faalan...." she choked out, blood spilling down her chin.
"KHANNA!!!" he screamed, running to her side, cradling her in his arms. I followed suit, gently stroking her head to try and calm her shaking.
"I...I'm dying aren't I? Yes...of..course... Re...member... I love you." she gasped out, her life blood pouring out of her heart and mouth, staining the vibrant, green grass underfoot.
"Khanna..." I whispered, looking into her pain-filled, golden eyes.
"Fa..fala... I too..." she sighed out with her last breath. Her eyes dulled, and a filmy white mist covered her them. Her body grew limp and she moved no longer.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! KHANNA!!!! You can't die on me! You can't, NO! I promised I would take care of you, I promised..." he sobbed, tears streaming freely down his anguished face. I said nothing, only stared at Khanna's still form, my own tears flowing to the ground. I couldn't say anything. My throat constricted with sadness. The world was spinning around me. Colors blurred and the last thing I remembered was looking at the ground before it was all dark.
"Fala?" came a shaky voice. I forced open my eyes, trying to remember what had occurred.
"Thank goodness you're awake now." I found myself staring into worried, silver eyes. It was Kaija.
"Wha' happ'nd?" I slurred, my mouth unable to function properly.
"Khanna's dead. Faalan killed the knight in a fit of fury. When I regained conciousness, I found him hugging her body, shaking and whispering that he loved her." I jerked up, looking around at my surroundings. The knight lay face forward in a pool of blood. The corpse was pitted with holes and massive cuts ran deep into it. His horse stood nearby, looking peacefully around and chewing on a clump of grass. Faalan was covered in blood, crying over Khanna's body. I couldn't say anything. My stomach turned at the gory scene and I couldn't hold the feeling rising in my throat. I turned my head away, bringing up what I had eaten. As I convulsed, Kaija rubbed me gently on my back, not joking at all.
"Ugh... Sorry..." I whispered, voice quivering.
"No biggie." he murmured softly into my ear.
Nearby, Faalan lifted up his tear stained face. The pain and agony in his eyes was enough to break anyone's heart.
"Please. Help me bury her." he choked out. No explanation was needed to know that the person he was referring to was Khanna.
He lifted up a section of dirt with his mind and both Kaija and I lowered Khanna gently into the pit.
"I love you, Khanna." Faalan whispered softly, stoking her pale cheek one last time. Then, the dirt lowered over her and she was gone.
Kaija pulled Faalan into a hug, silently comforting his friend. I could do nothing but close my eyes and hold the tears in.

AN: I planned to kill Khanna from the start, but I still feel kinda bad for killing her. She was kinda the comic relief... But I suppose now things have to get serious anyways.


coolidgen said...
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coolidgen said...

WOW that was an old comment. Deleting.