Saturday, May 17, 2008

Rejection (Chapter 1)

"So...I'll see you later, Fala?"
"Yeah. Bye, Tahi!" Tahi, was, I suppose, my boyfriend. We had lived together ever since my mother had died from a mysterious illness that even the healers could not fix. My father had slowly wasted away with grief, his face becoming more drawn and grey until he faded away completely. I moved in with Tahi after my father passed away and we'd been living together ever since. I loved him, and he would kiss me on the lips when I left the house, as he did right before I left for the school.
So began my first day of school. Slipping through the door, I made my way through the hall, my footsteps echoing through the empty hallway. Upon finding the principal's office, I knocked quietly and opened the door slightly. A tall, slender woman sat in a stiff wooden chair, looking over her rimmed glasses. Though she had straight bangs, curly hazel hair cascaded over her shoulder in a ponytail. Glancing quickly around the room, I figured that she was Principal Bukiri.
"Are you..." The principal paused, looking down at her paper. "Falandra nu Azamoni?"
"Yes, that's me." I said, my throat tightening in nervousness.
"Please, come in."
"Thank you." I murmured softly, not knowing what else to say in such a situation.
"Here's your schedule." she said passing a slip of paper to me. I stared at the paper, trying to decipher the millions of little words floating on the page.
"Don't worry about it, you'll figure it out later." she said, chuckling slightly. "Now, follow me."
She led me through halls, turning right and left. How was I supposed to remember all this?! I looked down at the paper again, trying to keep up with the woman's fast pace. Flipping it over, I found that there was a map. I gave a sigh of relief. At least I wouldn't need to try and memorize the place.
"Ladies, settle down!" the brunette called out to the class.
"Yes, Principal Bukiri..." came the murmured reply.
"This is Falandra nu Azamoni."
"Just Fala, please." I mumbled. Whispering floated around the entire room.
"Nu Azamoni?!"
"Then she's...?"
"As it appears, you all know about my great grandfather. I'm sorry if he caused your families any pain, but that was in the past. I cannot reverse what happened." I said, face burning. This happened at every school I went to, it didn't matter where I went. I wanted the ground to open and swallow me up. But it didn't.
"Your great grandfather killed thousands of people!" came an accusing voice.
"He was a murderer!" came another. A whole angry chorus of voices flowed over me. Closing my eyes, I waited for the torture to end.
"Quiet, please!" the tall woman beside me shouted over the din. The noise receded, but quiet murmuring still was there.
"Now, Fala, what is your gift?" questioned Principal Bukiri.
"Uh..." This was the moment where I lost all the rest of my potential friends.
"I don't know my gift." I smiled nervously, my body shaking like a leaf. Dead silence followed. A person without a gift was like a person without a head. I didn't know my gift. People went to school to culture their gift, which determined how they would spend the rest of their life. There were people who entertained, people who fought, people who worked for the welfare of others, and so many other occupations.
The rest of the day was even more torture. No one would talk to me. The people all stayed on the sides of the halls when I passed. No one wanted to touch me or even come closer than a couple of feet. I was an outcast. Running outside, I collapsed into Tahi's waiting arms.
"Tahi! I can't stand it anymore!" I cried, tears streaming down my face, dampening his clothes and my own.
"Shhh..." he murmured, brushing my hair gently, his own raven hair brushing his eyes.
Tahi was the only one who understood, the only one who accepted the fact that I didn't know my gift. He wasn't repulsed by my defect. He saw who I was inside. Or, at least that's how I felt at the time.
Putting on a bright face, I forced myself to go to school, even though I didn't know my gift; even though everyone refused to look at me; even though there was no point in me going. The teachers tried putting me into different classes, to see if my gift would bloom and appear. I went through cooking, planting, fighting. Nothing worked. It was all hopeless. And then, something happened, that changed my life forever.

Author's Note: This is the first chapter of Melody Maker. The whole thing is already done, I'm just editing the chapters now. Feel free to make critique and bother me about little grammar errors and stuff like that. Thank you for reading. More will come soon. I hope.


Anonymous said...

Sinced I finished your other story, I'm going to read this one now! :) One question...where are they? I mean, what is the setting? Your character's names are so interesting...almost Filipino lol...I was just wondering if this was on earth or in another dimension or something...?

Nasaiya Inamae said...

Um...I made them up. ^^"
The setting is in an alternate universe, because...I like putting people in alternate universes.

(sorry it took so long for me to reply... I keep forgetting to look at who's commented... And you probably won't look at this reply anyways...)

But thank you.